9 May 2022 Back to more news...

KAP sani2c trails ready to put on a show

After the recent devastating floods in KwaZulu-Natal, ‘Farmer’ Glen and his team ramped up the route prep and recovery to ensure all the trails are ready and in great condition for next week, with over 100 people working full-time for the few weeks available to them. He has now declared the KAP sani2c route race-ready, and on some sections, better than ever. 


The trails are ready and the views are as spectacular as always


The KAP sani2c turns 18 this year, quite a milestone for one of the oldest South African mountain bike stage races, entrenched as a must-do event for pro-riders as well as avid mountain bikers looking for the ride of their lives. The Adventure starts in Underberg on Wednesday 11 May and finishes in Scottburgh on Friday the 13th, and The Race starts on Thursday 12 May and finishes on Saturday 14th.


“Thankfully, there has been enough time to repair a large number of washed away bridges and other damage, and the weather conditions next week are looking favourable for an incredible experience on the bike.


“We have been able to assist Vernon Crookes to repair some flood damage, where we don’t usually do route maintenance as it’s a Game Reserve. Being there allowed us to sort out some issues we have had on the trails in the past so we are very pleased with how it’s looking, and feel that day 3 is going to be a fast and fun day. Mtagati Bush is looking better than it has ever been; it’s one of my favourite sections of day 3.


When asked about changes to the route as a result of the floods, Glen says: “Unfortunately we can’t use the lagoon on day 3 as it has washed right out and we cannot put the floating bridge up. Fortunately, we are able to go straight over the R102 as the road was washed away at a point and is closed. Just for this year, we are able to utilise this road that would not normally be available. This cuts out 3kms and day 3 will now be 80kms. 


All the other floating bridges are up; the two on the Umkomaas and the PG Bison bridge on Day 1. We rebuilt 14 bridges on the Ixopo River so there is no shortage of bridges. We had one two-kilometre stretch where 8 bridges washed away. Since the floods, we have focused on getting it rideable, but we feel that we have managed to go beyond that and it’s now well up to sani standard,” he says. 


All the floating bridges are in place except the final one on day three


As destructive as the floods have been, the communities along the route have rallied and embraced the extra employment opportunities the route prep has created. This is what the sani2c is about, and riders will be able to reap the rewards of all this hard work. 


In August last year, the KAP sani2c announced that the sani2c nonstop will return in June 2022 - riders looking for a true endurance experience can sign up to ride 250kms along much of the sani2c route, within 24 hours. 


For more information, go to sani2c.co.za/nonstop/about

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